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Revision as of 09:14, 22 October 2012 by ElBarto (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= HOW_TO_PLAY ($C00474) = The HOW_TO_PLAY routines build a "how to play" screen. It execute the commands buffer at $10F300. == Command list == Each command is always 4 byt...")
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HOW_TO_PLAY ($C00474)

The HOW_TO_PLAY routines build a "how to play" screen.

It execute the commands buffer at $10F300.

Command list

Each command is always 4 bytes.

The command list end with a null command ($00000000).

Loop control ($0-$FF)

Setup loop counter value or decrement current loop counter.

Every between a counter setup and a counter decrement is looped until the counter reaches $00.

$FF decrement the current counter, other value setup the counter.

Arrow data ($100-$1FF)

Set the color of each arrow.

1 = light blue (pressed)

0 = dark blue (released)

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Def Up-Right Right Down-Right Down Down-Left Left Up-Left Up

If followed by a null command ($0.l) the next word contain a number of frame to wait before executing new commands.

Buttons data ($200-$2FF)

Set the state of each buttons.

1 = pressed

0 = released

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Def 0 A B C D

If followed by a null command ($0.l) the next word contain a number of frame to wait before executing new commands.


Pointer to a MESS_OUT data buffer.

Always followed by a word value which specify the number of frame to wait before executing new commands.