The wiki

From NeoGeo Development Wiki
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Main rule

Knowledge isn't an excuse for being a dick. Keep your ego at the door, please :)

Content directives

  • By posting information here, you know that it's going in the wild. If you want credit, you can sign (important) information, but don't expect people to care about it.
  • No advertising for commercial products.
  • No personal infos, except names of key people who already have their names publicly known.
  • No non-technical infos about games (price, story, characters, gameplay, ...). Other websites exist for that.

How to edit


For those who are unfamiliar with wiki editing and don't want to go through lenghty tutorials, here's a short summary of the basics:

  • Pages can be created, edited or deleted by any registered user. All operations are logged and can be reverted ("view history" tab).
  • Each edit is signed by your username and a timestamp.
  • Links to existing pages are in blue, links to needed pages are in red.
  • When editing, clicking on the "Show preview" button won't log anything, "Save page" will.
  • Marking an edit as "minor" allows to find important changes in logs and correct typos without having the update appear on the front page.
  • As stated in all edit pages: the content you submit will be placed under the GNU FDL. This is not the best place to keep things secret.

Mediawiki uses a special markup language for formatting:

  • Links to other pages look like this: [[Page name]]
  • They can be renamed like this: [[Page name|Link text]]
  • Links to categories look like this: [[:Category:Category name]] and can also be renamed with a |.
  • Links to other sites look like this: [[ This is an external link]]
  • Pictures can be inserted like this: [[File:image.jpg|thumb|This is a thumbnail and will be placed on the right]]
  • Or simply like this, to display them in full size: [[File:image.jpg]]
  • Bold looks like '''this''', Italic looks like ''this'' (those are apostrophes)
  • Headlines are made by using = characters: =Title= is the biggest, ====Title==== is the smallest
  • Table of contents are automatically generated for pages containing multiple headlines
  • Categorizing a page is done by adding tags like this: [[Category:Category_name]], a page can belong in multiple categories.
  • Tables are made using characters: {| starts a table, | starts a new cell, |- starts a new line, |} ends a table. Each of those characters need to be at the start of a new line.
  • CSS and HTML markup can also be used most of the time.

  • To create a page, just type its URL or make a link to it and click "create". There can't be 404 errors here, any link to pages or files which don't exist give a "create" page.
  • Member pages can be created and edited only by the associated member. These can hold informations about yourself, your current projects...

Editing guidelines

  • To avoid creating duplicate pages, page names shouldn't contain upper case letters, except for the first one and for acronyms. Intra-wiki links are case sensitive.
  • Try to keep page names singular.
  • To avoid broken links to pictures or screenshots, please make a local copy by uploading them here (be sure you have the right to).
  • If a picture has to be updated with major corrections (like a chip pinout for example), try to delete the wrong version as to avoid search engines linking to wrong information.
  • Don't hesitate to sign the informations you add if you think you discovered something or to specify the source if not.
  • It's perfectly okay to make 2-characters edit to correct English mistakes for example, as long as those edits are marked as "minor".
  • Links to other pages should ideally be made only once in a page (where it's the most visible or relevant if possible).
  • Category tags should be placed at the bottom of the pages sources.
  • Don't forget that the Neogeo is a console, and that a console is obviously made to earn money but also for fun !



Common.css can be found here: [1].

Binary register definitions

Template:16BitRegister and Template:8BitRegister can be used to display such tables:

Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Def High byte Lower byte

The code for this one is:

{{16BitRegister|High byte|8|Lower byte|8}}

Arguments go by pairs: starting from 0, even ones are the text definition, odd ones are the size of it (in bits). The total size must be equal to the register's length or else the table will be broken and browsers might be unhappy.

Link templates


Template:Reg. Parameters: register name (not the address).


Template:Sig. Parameters: signal name, anchor name in signal names page, signal polarity ("N", "P", or nothing).

RAM location

Template:BR. Parameters: location name (not the address).


Template:Chipname. Parameters: chip name/reference.


Template:PCB. Parameters: board reference.

Chip pinout templates

The OpenOffice Draw format was previously used but a move to plain SVG is being made. See the [SVGPinout NeoGeoDev repo] to learn how to edit and generate pinouts easily.

Color proposals for buses and pin types (feel free to discuss):

  • Green: cartridge slot connections or graphics data
  • Yellow: address buses
  • Blue: data buses
  • Grey: ground
  • Red: power
  • Purple: control lines
  • Magenta: clocks
  • White: NC (dotted), unknown, others...