68k initialization
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Basic init code
The initial PC value in the 68k binary must be $C00402 (Init BIOS call), the initial SP value must be $10F300 (end of the user RAM).
The entrypoints for the 68k code start at $000122. See 68k program header.
lea $10F300, sp
lea $10F300, a7 ; Depends on assemblers
move.b d0,REG_DIPSW ; Kick watchdog
move.w #7,REG_IRQACK ; Acknowledge any pending interrupts
move.w #$2700,sr ; Disable all interrupts
See 68k interrupts and Watchdog for more informations.
Clearing the 68k user RAM:
move.l #($F300/4)-1,d0 ; User RAM's size is $F300, and we clear longwords (4 bytes)
clr.l (a0)+
dbra d0,clram
Note that this function also clears the stack. Don't make a subroutine out of it unless you're sure that the return address won't be cleared.
BIOS calls BIOSF_CLEARFIX ($C004C2) and BIOSF_CLEARSPR ($C004C8) can be used to clear sprites and the fix layer.
Don't forget to kick the watchdog regularly in your init code if the VBL interrupt isn't enabled or doesn't kick it itself.